Forest Certification Program
In May 2007, Nippon Paper Papylia obtained Chain of Custody certification under two globally recognized forest certification programs: the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and the PEFC Forest Certification Program (PEFC).
FSC®-certified sites
Head office, Osaka sales branch, Harada mill, Kochi mill,
Harada mill Yodabashi area
PEFC-certified sites
Head office, Osaka sales branch, Harada mill, Kochi mill,
Harada mill Yodabashi area
Significance of obtaining certification
By utilizing forest resources while nurturing them, we can continue to benefit from them indefinitely. However, in reality, forests continue to disappear due to illegal logging and overdevelopment, which threatens the planet’s ecosystems and causes abnormal weather and global warming. As a company that relies on the blessings of forests, we believe it is our mission to responsibly procure forest resources and supply products made from them.
Our certificates
• FSC Certificate Code: SGSHK-COC-003275
• PEFC Certificate Number: SGSJP-PCOC-0150
We adhere to the core labor requirements set out in the FSC-COC standard (FSC-STD-40-004) and have established the following policy to protect the human rights of workers involved in forest certification.
FSC Policy Statement Including Core Labor Requirements
- 1. Prohibition of child labor
- We will not employ children who are under the minimum working age as stipulated by the laws and regulations of each country or region.
- 2. Elimination of forced labor
- We will not force unreasonable labor in any form of employment.
- 3. Elimination of discrimination in occupation and employment
- We respect fundamental human rights and do not engage in acts that violate them, such as discrimination based on nationality, race, birthplace, gender, religion, illness or disability, sexual harassment, and power harassment.
- 4. Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
- We support the universal principles advocated by the United Nations (freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining).

Sustainable Raw Materials Sourcing
We practice sustainable forest management and raw material procurement by utilizing forest certification systems. The Nippon Paper Group also promotes sustainable raw material procurement that takes into consideration the environment and society. When sourcing wood raw materials, we not only ensure their legality but also prioritize sustainability and transparency regarding the origin of the wood and the ability to clearly explain these aspects.