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  • Environmental Goals for 2030 and Key Measures
  • Environmental Goals for 2030 and Key Measures

    Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions by 45% compared to the fiscal 2013 level.

    Improve the total energy intensity in production and logistics by 1% compared to the previous year.

    Implement fuel conversion in boilers and use carbon-free LNG and green electricity.

    Progress and Results in FY2022


    Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared to the fiscal 2013 level.


    The total energy intensity increased by 1.0% year over year (0.9% increase in production, 1.5% increase in logistics). We are committed to energy conservation by reviewing production processes and introducing high-efficiency equipment. In logistics, where 90% of GHG emissions comes from the procurement of raw materials and fuel, we are working to shorten shipping distances.


    Detailed measures are currently under investigation and review.

    Reduction of Environmental Impact

    Reduce air pollutants and water pollutants each by 15% compared to the fiscal 2018 levels.

    Reduce the final disposal rate of industrial waste at each production site to 2% or less.

    Ensure strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

    Progress and Results in FY2022


    Compared to FY2018 levels, we reduced NOx emissions by 52%, SOx by 87%, particulate matter by 98%, suspended solids by 43%, and chemical oxygen demand by 61%. However, biological oxygen demand (BOD) increased by 13%. The rise in BOD was due to an increased ratio of intermediate raw materials, which led to a higher BOD load in wastewater. We continue to work on improvements while reviewing our wastewater processes.


    The final disposal rate of industrial waste was 0.2%


    There were no violations of environmental laws or regulations or exceedances of regulatory limits.

    Protection and Cultivation of Forest Resources and
    Use of Wood Resources with Consideration for Biodiversity

    Source wood resources from forests that are sustainably managed.

    Use certified wood and ensure that no illegally logged timber is used or traded.

    Operate a traceability system to verify that the above practices are followed throughout the supply chain.

    Progress and Results in FY2022

    We procured pulp made entirely from certified wood and verified the qualifications of logging contractors using a forest certification traceability system. This ensured that no illegally logged timber was used or traded. We also participated in the following reforestation projects and activities:
    • Mt. Fuji Foothills Beech Forest Harvesting Project, sponsored by Fuji City
    • Tree planting event hosted by the Kochi Prefecture Paper Industry Association
