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  • Nippon Paper Papylia Environmental Charter
  • Nippon Paper Papylia Environmental Charter

    Basic Policy

    • 1. Promote measures to combat global warming.
    • 2. Promote the protection of forest resources.
    • 3. Promote resource recycling.
    • 4. Comply with environmental laws and regulations and reduce environmental impact.
    • 5. Develop environmentally friendly technologies and products.
    • 6. Engage in active environmental communication.

    Behavioral Guidelines

    In line with the Nippon Paper Group’s Environmental Philosophy and its Basic Policy, we will develop specific environmental action plans and establish promotion structures.

    1. Conservation and effective use of resource
    (1) Expand the use of tissue paper.
    (2) Utilize non-wood fiber raw materials.
    (3) Promote the effective use of resources through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
    2. Reduction and effective use of waste
    (1) Reduce the amount of waste generated.
    (2) Encourage the reuse of waste.
    3. Energy conservation measures
    (1) Actively transition to energy-efficient equipment.
    (2) Effectively use waste energy.
    4. Reduction of environmental impact
    (1) Comply with regulatory standards and improve self-management technologies.
    (2) Actively introduce technologies for reducing environmental impact.
    (3) Consider environmental impact in the purchasing of materials and development of products.
    5. Maintenance and improvement of local environments
    (1) Develop green spaces and environmental facilities.
    (2) Actively participate in local environmental activities.
    (3) Support employee volunteer activities.
    6. Public relations and educational activities
    (1) Implement environmental education for employees.
    (2) Provide product information to customers.
    (3) Actively support recycling initiatives.
    (4) Disclose information via the Company website.
    7. Emergency response
    (1) Ensure prompt and appropriate communication with stakeholders.
    (2) Minimize environmental impact.
    (3) Provide accurate information to stakeholders.


    1. Appointment of an environmental director
    The president appoints an environmental director.
    2. Implementation
    An environmental committee has been established at the head office to plan, promote, and evaluate comprehensive measures. In addition, environmental management committees have been set up at the mills to make decisions on environmental conservation and protection and to implement relevant measures and initiatives in each department.
    3. Environmental audits
    The Environmental Committee conducts environmental audits at least once a year and reports to the Management Meeting.