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  • Sustainability
  • We pursue environmentally friendly products by harmonizing our unique technologies with global environmental protection efforts.

    Building on our expertise in thin paper manufacturing, which began with domestic production of cigarette paper, we strive to create environmentally friendly products. We promote resource and energy conservation through efforts to reduce paper weight and thickness. We also work to advance the effective use of resources and the development of innovations in paper properties by utilizing recycled paper and non-wood fibers, and to reduce waste and promote its recycling. Additionally, we are committed to sourcing raw materials while thoroughly considering the sustainable use of forest resources.

    We create paper that is thinner and more functional.

    For printing paper, we have reduced the standard basis weight of 40 gsm to just 20 gsm while maintaining opacity. Additionally, for sheets made from synthetic fibers used in industrial adhesive substrates, we have achieved a weight of only a few grams per square meter. We will continue to further reduce thickness and weight while continuously challenging ourselves to conserve and utilize resources.

    We promote the healthy and sustainable use of forest resources.

    In 2007, we obtained Chain of Custody certification from the globally recognized FSC*1 and PEFC*2 programs. As a company benefiting from forest resources, we are committed to practicing responsible sourcing and utilization of these resources.

    *1: The Forest Stewardship Council is an international, non-governmental organization focused on promoting responsible forest management worldwide. Since its founding in 1994, FSC has become the most respected and widely recognized forest certification system globally.

    *2: The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization that promotes sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.
